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Personal Statement


I believe art has a unique ability to convey intangible concepts and invite contemplation. I use this ability to visualize concepts and ideas that are often difficult to comprehend, taking advantage of the power of visual artwork.


As a student of psychology, I am fascinated by the quirks of the human mind, our species-wide blind spots and shortcomings. All too often, we cling to our cognitive biases and mental heuristics, confused by that which we cannot see. We all have difficulty seeing beyond the surface level, and struggle to imagine each other and our world complexly. I myself was born with quite a large blind spot; I have a disorder called Dyscalculia. This means I struggle to comprehend mathematical concepts, visualize patterns, and accurately perceive spatial and chronological information. Recently, I have found myself embracing this weakness, creating work that serves as physical manifestations of abstract concepts and hidden relationships. In my own attempts to understand the world’s hidden patterns, I endeavor to reveal these unseen connections to my audience as well.


My process generally begins when I learn about a phenomenon unknown or misperceived by the general public. The materials used in my pieces are all deliberately chosen, imparting another layer of meaning to the work. In particular, I enjoy exploring the relationship between artificial materials and organic shapes. So often the natural and artificial are contradictory or alien to one another, so it can be rewarding to find moments when they can be complementary and interactive

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